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 ill-natured 添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 易怒的, 心地不良的

    [ adj ]
    having an irritable and unpleasant disposition

    Ill-natured \Ill`-na"tured\, a.
    1. Of habitual bad temper; having an unpleasant disposition;
    surly; disagreeable; cross; peevish; fractious; crabbed;
    -- of people; as, an ill-natured person; an ill-natured
    disagreeable old man. Opposite of {good-natured}.
    [Narrower terms: {argumentative, contentious,
    disputatious, disputative, litigious : {atrabilious,
    bilious, dyspeptic, liverish : {bristly, prickly,
    snappish, splenetic, waspish : {cantankerous, crotchety,
    ornery : {choleric, irascible, hotheaded, hot-headed,
    hot-tempered, quick-tempered, short-tempered : {crabbed,
    crabby, cross, fussy, fussbudgety, grouchy, grumpy,
    bad-tempered, ill-tempered}: {cranky, fractious,
    irritable, peevish, peckish, pettish, petulant, testy,
    tetchy, techy : {crusty, curmudgeonly, gruff, ill-humored,
    ill-humoured}: {dour, glowering, glum, moody, morose,
    saturnine, sour, sullen : {feisty, touchy : {huffish,
    sulky}: {misanthropic, misanthropical : {misogynous :
    {shirty, snorty ill-tempered or annoyed)}: {shrewish,
    nagging, vixenish : {surly, ugly ] Also See: {unpleasant}.
    [1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5]

    2. Dictated by, or indicating, ill nature; spiteful. ``The
    ill-natured task refuse.'' --Addison.

    3. Intractable; not yielding to culture. [R.] ``Ill-natured
    land.'' --J. Philips.

    3. not to one's liking; unpleasant; disagreeable. Opposite of
    {agreeable}. [WordNet sense 2] [Narrower terms: {annoying,
    galling, chafing, irritating, nettlesome, pesky,
    pestiferous, pestilent, plaguy, plaguey, teasing,
    vexatious, vexing}; {nerve-racking, nerve-wracking,
    stressful, trying ]

    Syn: disagreeable.
    [WordNet 1.5] -- {Ill`-na"tured*ly}, adv. --
    {Ill`-na"tured*ness}, n.

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