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 ill-starred 添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 运气不佳的, 不幸的

    [ adj ]
    marked by or promising bad fortune
    their business venture was doomed from the startan ill-fated business venture
    an ill-starred romance
    the unlucky prisoner was again put in irons

    Ill-starred \Ill"-starred`\, a.
    Fated to be unfortunate; unlucky; as, an ill-starred man or

    Syn: ill-fated, ill-omened, unlucky.
    [1913 Webster WordNet 1.5]

    1. Turner signed one of the game's first free agents, pitcher Andy Messersmith, and later conferred long-term, seven-figure contracts on the likes of somnolent outfielder Claudell Washington and ill-starred pitcher Bruce Sutter.
    2. He is Britain's third blind MP, has served on Labour's national executive committee since 1983 and ran Mr Bryan Gould's ill-starred leadership campaign.
    3. Mobil Corp., the oil giant, last week closed out its ill-starred expansion into retailing by selling its Montgomery Ward & Co. unit to management.
    4. Even at its funniest - the hero's adventures in the army, his ill-starred love life - the film has a sense of melancholy paralysis.
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