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 ill-informed 添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 消息不灵通的, 所知不多的

    1. The chief drawback is the translator's introduction which is largely irrelevant and ill-informed.
    2. Line managers were often ill-informed, however, and fewer than half had specific targets for their sections of the business. Lady Howe, who chairs Opportunity 2000, said there was evidence that 'the messages are not getting down the line'.
    3. The country moved from paucity to plethora; from authoritarian diktat with no consultation at any level to a proliferation of forums where everyone can, must and does have their say however mundane, repetitive or ill-informed.
    4. The charitable will assume that the leak is ill-informed; those who believe it will conclude that the prime minister is getting desperate, as well he might after the battering of the last week. In terms of economics, the project is laughable.
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