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 双螺旋模型 添加此单词到默认生词本
double helix model

  1. 时间DNA双螺旋模型的五个片段在时间序列上跨越了中国当代及现代历史时期的事件,多元化的有机增长形式在思源大道空间中形成五种具有不同个性和特色的景观形态。
    The five segments of time-DNA spans over the modern history of China, the various forms of organic growth of it produce five landscapes with different identities and propositions on the Siyuan Avenue.
  2. 信件里的一段文章在周三由自然杂志刊发,内容侧重于与1953dna双螺旋结构的发现有相关的模型
    An article on the letters was published Wednesday in the journal Nature, focusing on those related to the discovery of DNA's double helix structure in 1953.
  3. 在建立舰船辐射噪声仿真模型的基础上,推导了单、双螺旋桨舰船辐射噪声调制谱谐波族幅值特征的数学期望表达式。
    On the basis of building the ship radiated-noise model, the mathematical expectation expressions of ship radiated-noise demodulation spectrum harmonic clan feature were educed.

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