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 双语教育 添加此单词到默认生词本
bilingual education

  1. 摘要师资问题已经成为制约双语教育发展的主要因素之一。
    The lack of qualified bilingual teachers is one of the main factors that restrain the development of the bilingual education in China.
  2. 本文结合二语习得研究理论探讨我国民族双语教育中存在的问题。
    This paper head to combine with the studying theory of second language habit to discuss about the issue in our country's a national bilingual education.
  3. 双语教育在我校是从今年5月份开始筹备的,开学初在高一年级全面实施。
    We started to make preparations for bilingual education in May and it was fully implemented in Senior1 at the beginning of this semester.

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