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 双调制 [shuāng tiáo zhì添加此单词到默认生词本
[电子] double modulation

  1. 采用调制方式单周控制APF补偿后的电源电流中存在直流分量。
    There are DC off-sets in the compensated source current of the APF with one-cycle control under bipolar modulation.
  2. 介绍了一种在有差错信道中能够高可靠性传输数据的双调制解调器的实现方案。
    The realization of dual MODEM is described in this paper, which can transfer data reliably in error channel.
  3. 实验结果表明,采用调制的反接制动可以有效的控制制动电流,并且具有很好的换相效果。
    Experimental results indicate that braking current is controlled effectively used double switching modulation scheme, and commutation phase has good performance.

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