双赢局面 [
shuāng yíng jú miàn]

win-win situation
- 但如果印度也加入进来,那对我们两国而言将是一种双赢局面。”
But if India comes along, that would be a win-win situation for both of us. - 台北101发言人刘家豪:我觉得这应是合作,因为是一个双赢局面。
I think that this should be termed cooperation, because it would be a win-win situation, said Taipei 101 spokesman Liou Jia-hao. - 掌握使用情感技巧与他人建立信任、创建双赢局面以及发展长期关系的能力。
Achieve the ability to use emotional skills to build trust, creating win/win situations and long term relationships with others.