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 双足动物 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 而且它也是跑得最快的双足动物,飞奔时速能够达到43英里。
    It is also the fastest creature on two legs and can run up to 43 miles per hour.
  2. 通过的这些新标准将对保护人类健康大有帮助,因为它们提出鱼类中铅以及大米、海洋壳贝类和头动物中镉的新的最高限量。
    The new standards adopted will go a long way towards protecting human health, as they set out new, maximum limits for lead in fish, cadmium in rice, marine bivalve molluscs and cephalopods.
  3. 通过研究14个不同种类的恐龙,这些研究人员得出结论:大型双足行走恐龙仅行走和奔跑就需要大量能量,从而排除了恐龙是冷血动物的可能。
    After studying 14 different species the researchers concluded that simply walking and running required too much energy for larger bipedal dinosaurs to have been cold-blooded.

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