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 双语词典 添加此单词到默认生词本
bilingual dictionary

  1. 这些来源包括:各种单语和双语词典,百科全书和互联网。
    These sources include: different monolingual and bilingual dictionaries, encyclopedias, and the internet.
  2. 我的意思是,当你看到双语词典中找到的第一个翻译确实与上下文不符时,你就不应使用它。
    By that I mean that you should not use the first translation you find in a bilingual dictionary when you see that it really does not fit within the given context.
  3. 但是,这些术语不应该互换,因为 CAT 技术还包括机器翻译(一种基于语言学规则并使用双语词典的计算机技术)。
    However, these terms should not be used interchangeably, as CAT technologies also include machine translation, a computer technology based on linguistic rules and the use of bilingual dictionaries.

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