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 公模 添加此单词到默认生词本
male die
male mold

  1. 图1所示为一热冲压平面结合具的公模简图。
    Figure 1 shows the male die of a hot extrusion planar combined die .
  2. 于上述第一腔内注射熔融的一可塑材 料,成型一形成在该公模上的基体;
    injecting a molten plastic material into the first die cavity, and forming a matrix formed on the male die;
  3. 旋转该回转台,使第二 母与该公模上的该基体相对并合形成第二腔;
    rotating the turn table to ensure that the second female die is opposite to the matrix on the male die, and assembling the dies to form a second die cavity;

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