公正判决 [法] reasonable judgment
- 很多人举着判决书和上诉文件,要求法院对个人事务公正判决。
Many carried judicial papers and appeal documents, demanding justice for personal matters. - 人们只能寄希望于Chapman的持续监禁真正依据他的表现和心理状态而做出公正判决,而不是因为他罪行的特殊性。
One can only hope that Chapman’s continued incarceration is indeed justified based on his character and state of mind, not on the special nature of his victim. - 这种忽视相反证据的趋势阻碍了在所有可利用证据的基础上所作出的公正判决。
This tendency to ignore contrary evidence prevents a fair decision, which would be one based on all the available evidence.