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 公正审判 添加此单词到默认生词本
fair trial
[法] impartial trial

  1. 他们指出,这桩令人感到被过分炒的案件证明,相机损害了获得公正审判的权利——尽管辛普森被判无罪。
    They cite the perceived excesses of that case as proof that cameras undermine the right to a fair trial—even though Simpson was acquitted.
  2. 《第六条修正案》保证的获得律师协助的权利是否对公正审判具有如此根本的实质意义,以致应对各州所有案件都有约束力?
    Was the Sixth Amendment's guarantee of the right to counsel so fundamental and essential to a fair trial that it should be binding on the states in all cases?
  3. 在关于公正审判和被告人权利的章节里,我们已经讨论过为什么民主社会那样努力地确保刑事司法制度的公平。
    We have already discussed in the chapters on fair trial and rights of the accused why a democratic society goes to such lengths to ensure the fairness of the criminal justice system.

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