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 公民证 [gōng mín zhèng添加此单词到默认生词本
citizenship papers

  1. 这位79岁的老人庄严地托起他的不丹公民证,他的牙齿已经脱落,呼吸也不顺畅。
    Toothless and wheezing, the 79-year-old solemnly holds up his Bhutanese citizenship card.
  2. 让移民们出示公民证? 我觉得倒不如出示信用卡呢!
    Which very well might be that instead of producing papers, immigrants would have to produce credit cards.
  3. 工党和自由民主党也纷纷谴责,认为不应该鼓励地方授权机关禁止面向未满21岁公民的无买卖。
    Labour and the Liberal Democrats deplore a plan to encourage local licensing boards to ban off-licence sales to people under 21 years old.

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