axiomatic theory
- 建立基于公理化理论的废旧零部件可重用再设计过程模型,重点分析公理化概念再设计过程。
The redesign process model of used parts based on the axiomatic design theory is established and the conceptual redesign process for used parts is analyzed in details. - 无效行政行为制度是伴随公定力理论的出现而提出的,是从保护相对人合法权益的角度对传统公定力理论的一种修正和完善。
The regulations of the voidable administrative act are proposed accompanied with the traditional theory of presumptive legality in order to defend the legitimate rights and interests of the relatives. - 几近二十年发展,行政行为公定力理论,始终未脱离国内行政法学者视野。
The theory for presumed validity of administrative action has never deviated from the administrative law scholars' vision field during the past twenty years' development.