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 公正的裁决 添加此单词到默认生词本
true verdict

  1. 一群小人物面对上帝,他们很幸运,因此他们可以面对真相,可以被公正的裁决
    When a group of nobodies confront God, they are lucky, so they can confront the truth and be judged impartially.
  2. 那让我们把案件交给法官布朗办吧,我们都知道这位法官在过去十多年里对我们这样的案件一直都能做出公正的裁决
    Let's take our case before Judge Brown, whom we both know has delivered very fair rulings for more than a decade, in cases just like ours.
  3. 我向全能的上帝宣誓,我会依据证据,忠实地审判被告,给予公正的裁决
    I swear by Almighty God that I will faithfully try the defendant and give a true verdict according to the evidence.

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