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 公民意识 添加此单词到默认生词本
civic awareness
civic consciousness

  1. 它贯穿于个人的一生,培养有助于发展环境公民意识的知识,技能和态度。
    Lifelong. It fosters the knowledge, skills and attitudes that contribute to environmental citizenship throughout the individual's lifetime.
  2. 更重要的是,法侵还把一些传统美德灌输给孩子,例如努力工作、尊重、诚实和良好的公民意识
    More importantly, they also help instill time-honored values in their children, such as hard work, respect, honesty, and good citizenship.
  3. 最后,教师、家长必须以身作则,以便向年青人灌输公民意识,这对他们成年后的社会行为有重大影响。
    Ultimately, the teachers and parents must inculcate the importance of civic consciousness into the young minds by setting an example. This will influence their social behavior in adulthood.

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