三原色 [
sān yuán sè]

three-primary colours
- 这些染料色是加色法的三原色红、绿、蓝的相互补充。
These dye colors are the complementary colors to the three additive primaries of red, green and blue. - 通过液晶栅栏的白光还要进入一个滤光层迫使其变为三原色(红、绿、蓝)之一,然后才得以输出。
White light which passes through a liquid-crystal shutter falls on a filter that imposes one of the primary colours—red, green and blue—on the output. - 除了对面孔感兴趣这点之外,三原色对于几乎所有人都比较特殊,因为我们的眼睛就是围绕三原色运作的。
In addition to our interest in faces, there's something special about primary colors for nearly all of us, because it's an artifact of the way our eyes work.