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 三叠系 添加此单词到默认生词本
triassic system

  1. 断层、断点可靠,并有清楚的三叠系反射结构。
    Faults, breakpoints, and the Triassic reflection configurations are readily recognized.
  2. 根据地质、 地震、 测井及地球化学资料对吐哈盆地哈密坳陷上二叠统-三叠系的层序地层学特征进行了研究。
    The stratigraphy of Upper Permian-Triassic sequence in Hami depression is studied based on geological, seismic, logging end geochemical data.
  3. 因此,莫索湾凸起深层石炭—三叠系背斜圈闭,特别是石炭系特大型背斜圈闭具有十分重要的勘探价值。
    Therefore, the Carboniferous-Triassic deep-seated anticline trap of Mosuowan Uplift, the giant Carboniferous anticline trap in particular, is of great value to exploration.

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