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 三原色印刷 [sān yuán sè yìn shuā添加此单词到默认生词本
process color
three-colour process

  1. 对有效地选择三原色油墨和确定印刷条件,最大限度地再现原稿色调有着实际意义。
    To choose three color printing ink effectively and fix on its printing condition also can maximize the significance for the tone of original manuscript.
  2. 通过实验方法,测量三原色油墨在不同印刷条件下的三刺激值,标定其色域范围,分析影响其显色范围的因素。
    According to the experiments, three color printing ink measurement can demarcate the color gamut range and analyze the factor on its color range under different condition of tristimulus values.

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