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 三叉体 [sān chā tǐ添加此单词到默认生词本
[无脊椎] triaene

  1. 孢子萌发为书带蕨型,原叶发育为三叉蕨型,符合鳞毛蕨属配子发育的特征。
    The process of spore germination in D. varia is attributed to Vittaria-type, and that of gametophyte development belongs to Aspidium-type. This feature is consistent with that in Dryopteris Adanson.
  2. 免安装:锁锁住方向盘三叉位置即可,车主想换车时可以不换锁,随时可以带着走。
    Free-of -installation: The lock body can be locked in the trigeminal position of steering wheel so as to allow the owner change cars without replacing the lock at any moment.
  3. 目的:探讨原发性三叉神经痛的三叉神经感诱发电位(TSEP)的特点及临床意义。
    Objective: To explore characteristic and clinical significance of trigeminal somatosensory evoked potential (TSEP) in 23 patients with primary trigeminal neuralgia.

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