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 三叉神经脊束核 添加此单词到默认生词本
nuclei tractus spinalis nervi trigemini

  1. 认为P_3(或N_3)是三叉神经根及三叉神经脊束核的突触前和突触后的混合电位。
    It was not the rnuscle potential. We believe that P3(N3 )is mixedpresynaptic and postsynaptic potentials evoked from the trigeminal root and nucleus of trigeminalspine bundle.
  2. 在延髓,ER分布于舌下神经、迷走神经三叉神经脊束核、孤束核和网状结构;
    In the medulla oblongata, ER distributed in the hypoglossal nucleus, dorsal nucleus of vagus nerve, nucleus of spinal trigeminal tract, nucleus of solitary tract and reticular formation;
  3. 本文采用HRP逆行追踪与顺行溃变结合法对猫三叉神经尾侧脊束核-丘脑-皮质通路在丘脑腹后内侧内的突触联系型式进行了研究。
    The synaptic relationship between the trigeminothalamic terminals and thalamocortical projecting neurons were studied by using anterograde degenerating combined with HRP retrograde tracing methods.

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