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 三叉神经节 添加此单词到默认生词本
[解剖] trigeminal ganglion

  1. 这种分布形式为三叉神经节细胞具有整合不同牙齿感觉的功能提供了可能性。
    The results suggest that the trigeminal ganglion cells maybe have the function to "integrate" sensory information from different teeth.
  2. 目的探讨家兔经皮穿刺微球囊压迫三叉神经节三叉神经的抑制反应。
    Objective To discuss trigeminal depressor response occurred in rabbits during Percutaneous micro-balloon compression of the trigeminal ganglion.
  3. 方法:采用全细胞膜片钳电生理方法,记录氧化还原药物对三叉神经节细胞大电导钙激活钾通道(BKCa)的影响。
    Methods: The effects of oxidants and reducing agents on maxi-conductance calcium-activated potassium channel in cultured rat trigeminal ganglion neurons by using whole-cell patch-clamp technique.

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