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 inexorable [ɪn'ɛksərəbl.]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 无情的, 冷酷的

    [ adj ]
    1. not to be placated or appeased or moved by entreaty

    2. <adj.all>
      grim determination
      grim necessity
      Russia's final hour, it seemed, approached with inexorable certainty
      relentless persecution
      the stern demands of parenthood
    3. impervious to pleas, persuasion, requests, reason

    4. <adj.all>
      he is adamant in his refusal to change his mind
      Cynthia was inexorable; she would have none of him
      an intransigent conservative opposed to every liberal tendency

    Inexorable \In*ex"o*ra*ble\, a. [L. inexorabilis: cf. F.
    inexorable. See {In-} not, and {Exorable}, {Adore}.]
    Not to be persuaded or moved by entreaty or prayer; firm;
    determined; unyielding; unchangeable; inflexible; relentless;
    -- of people and impersonal forces; as, an inexorable prince
    or tyrant; an inexorable judge; the inexorable advance of a
    glacier. ``Inexorable equality of laws.'' --Gibbon. ``Death's
    inexorable doom.'' --Dryden.

    You are more inhuman, more inexorable,
    O, ten times more than tigers of Hyrcania. --Shak.

    1. Once the law recognizes the demand to protect human life, the logic of that position becomes inexorable.
    2. In an interview in today's editions of The New York Times, Bush characterized the changes as "too inexorable" to halt.
    3. This movement is inexorable.
    4. In 1947, Weymouth handled more than 1m tons of freight; the present volume would be less than 5 per cent of that. The progress to ever bigger ships and ports seems inexorable.
    5. But later that connection was broken (Britten took offence at some small slight) and the gradual but inexorable decline in his fortunes as a conductor set in. This is a tale alternately saddening and exhilarating to read.
    6. There won't be sudden change, but inexorable movement in that direction." That worries many of those who are working to find funding to help solve urban problems.
    7. Dressed in 'Christer' garb, they continue to reappear, tormenting him with their quiet, inexorable presence, otherwise completely unthreatening.
    8. However, metering, almost universal among other European countries, offers the only hope of choking off the inexorable rise in demand for water in areas of shortage.
    9. But Mr. Bogle is simply worried that the small investor is overlooking one inexorable truth of the bond marketthat the value of their investment will decline if interest rates rise.
    10. The Douglas reforms may make wider reforms inevitable, as the inexorable forces of finance and debt engulf the welfare state.
    11. Such leases are a product of the 'never had it so good' Macmillan period of relatively stable economic growth and inexorable, but creeping, inflation.
    12. It sounds almost Marxian, but, unlike Marx, Tolstoy does not believe that the inexorable march of events renders individual experience insignificant.
    13. James H.A. Pooley, formerly a Mosher Pooley partner and now at Graham & James, says the pressure to merge had become inexorable.
    14. We can march down a seemingly inexorable path, or we can find new ways to create choice for the next generation of children, mothers and fathers.
    15. But others see in the inexorable march toward individualism a tendency to ignore social ills such as poverty and homelessness.
    16. Still, the trend toward ATM fees isn't inexorable.
    17. "I feel inside of me an inexorable forward motion," she said. "I'll know where the resting place is." Christine McVie was concerned about the new Fleetwood Mac album.
    18. None of them reported a significant drop in sales as a result, but the incident showed that Japan's inexorable economic advance into Asia will not always be smooth.
    19. The watchword should be the chief secretary's words: 'unlike the Labour party,' he has said, 'we do not believe in the inexorable growth of the reach and size of the state.
    20. Aiwa is part of a larger migration of Japanese business caused by the yen's inexorable rise, which makes operations in Japan more and more expensive, and by the fear of U.S. trade retaliation against the flood of Japanese-made goods.
    21. Other conclusions followed with inexorable logic.
    22. The deaths of Brutus and Cassius seem to come more as a relief than as the inexorable result of fate.
    23. The inexorable influence of Tokyo, 185 miles southeast, is again changing Kanazawa's face.
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