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 inexperience [,inik'spiәriәns]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 无经验, 不熟练

    [ noun ]
    lack of experience and the knowledge and understanding derived from experience
    procedural inexperience created difficultiestheir poor behavior was due to the rawness of the troops

    Inexperience \In`ex*pe"ri*ence\, n. [L. inexperientia, cf. F.
    inexp['e]rience. See {In-} not, and {Experience}.]
    Absence or lack of experience; lack of personal and
    experimental knowledge; as, the inexperience of youth.

    Failings which are incident to youth and inexperience.

    Prejudice and self-sufficiency naturally proceed from
    inexperience of the world, and ignorance of mankind.

    1. Democrats on the Senate Banking Committee sharply criticized President Bush's nominee for top savings and loan regulator Wednesday, charging inexperience and conflicts of interest.
    2. Wounded by the poor trade climate and its own inexperience, it never turned a quarterly profit.
    3. Crew inexperience had a part in both tragedies, federal investigators say.
    4. "To survive, Japanese multinationals will have to become more international." But Mr. Kreinin, the economist who studied Japanese companies in Australia, has his doubts that the culprit is mere inexperience.
    5. On top of the economic squeeze is the inexperience of the new governments, some of which are coalitions of divergent groups, the CIA report said.
    6. The city council is having a hard time grappling with these problems, hampered by inexperience and lack of money. In time, the hurdles will be overcome.
    7. Gore also used the news conference to renew attacks on Democratic rivals Richard Gephardt, a Missouri congressman, for inconsistency and Massachusetts Gov. Michael Dukakis for foreign policy inexperience.
    8. "I'm not disappointed for what has happened because being thrust in at that level with my inexperience would have been a mistake," McClure said.
    9. Some board members, worried over Mr. Stafford's inexperience, fought the appointment three years ago.
    10. The defense called the failure an innocent mistake, partly due to Willard Mecham's inexperience as a bookkeeper.
    11. Clean" image, which sprang from his age and inexperience in what many people saw as the dirty world of politics.
    12. McMaster maintains he wants complete control over the contents of the Festivals. The spat this summer could be put down to inexperience.
    13. But the main charges against it were inexperience, and lack of sustained attention to foreign policy issues.
    14. Jaouda said the Koreans' inexperience with desert terrain and weather caused the delay.
    15. Mrs. Chamorro's detractors cite her political inexperience and her brief term in the revolutionary government.
    16. The inexperience showed after the October 1987 stock-market crash.
    17. The National Transportation Safety Board also cited the inexperience of the captain and his co-pilot, who was actually flying the aircraft, and the heavy traffic conditions at as contributing factors in the accident.
    18. This erroneous belief in a liquidity-driven price boom, together with the inexperience and discomfort of the Japanese in relying on a flexible monetary policy, seems to be precluding the Bank of Japan from stabilizing the yen by relaxing monetary policy.
    19. He repeatedly contrasted what he described as Quayle's inexperience with the long career of Texas Sen. Lloyd Bentsen, the Democratic vice presidential nominee.
    20. This was because my arms acquired two shades of colour because of my inexperience in applying it.
    21. She never had a job before becoming prime minister, and her inexperience began to show within months of the inauguration.
    22. There have been reports of confusion and inept rescue efforts at the disaster scene, but Schuster said he believes the work went well given the immensity of the destruction and the relative inexperience of Soviet officials in disaster relief.
    23. Once, the local paper's aging movie editor warned me to stay away from a certain flak, who, he said, was too oily for someone of my inexperience.
    24. How do you lay it out?" The official said the inexperience of Bush's staff was largely to blame.
    25. George Bush has a foreign policy resume that stretches from Central America to the Great Wall of China, but as he moves toward a fall presidential showdown his experience is proving more of a political handicap than Michael Dukakis' inexperience.
    26. One problem has been the inexperience of some developers.
    27. Todorov's election followed a morning session that was marked by an uproar reflecting lawmakers' inexperience with democracy.
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