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 inexpressible [ɪnɪk'sprɛsəbl.]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 不能用语言表达的, 不可言传的, 不可名状的

    [ adj ]
    defying expression

    Inexpressible \In`ex*press"i*ble\, a.
    Not capable of expression or utterance in language;
    ineffable; unspeakable; indescribable; unutterable; as,
    inexpressible grief or pleasure. ``Inexpressible grandeur.''

    In orbs
    Of circuit inexpressible they stood. --Milton.

    1. Steinberg, jailed since his arrest in the death of Lisa Steinberg more than a year ago, wrote by hand, "My feelings for Lisa are almost inexpressible.
    2. Born to deal with passions beyond reason, we on Earth know that the inexpressible, the incommunicable, lives out there in the jungle beyond words.
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