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 inextricably [ɪn'ɛkstrɪkəblɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 无法摆脱地, 解不开地, 不能解决地

    [ adv ]
    in an inextricable manner
    motives inspired by Mammon were often inextricably blended with things pertaining to Caesar and to God

    Inextricably \In*ex"tri*ca*bly\, adv.
    In an inextricable manner.

    1. The U.S. must also demand removal of hundreds of Soviet advisers, the cessation of military supplies and a review of treaties that might tie Afghanistan inextricably to Moscow.
    2. In a speech in Zurich, Switzerland, he said devaluations during the 1930s offered the lesson "that the problems of the major currencies are inextricably linked."
    3. Guns, drugs and money are now inextricably linked in an unholy trinity.
    4. Interestingly, Mr. Jackson's rise has been inextricably linked to the ability of such groups to get out the vote.
    5. Not only is he a leading figure on Wall Street, but his fate is inextricably tied to the well-being of Goldman Sachs, one of the Street's most prestigious securities firms.
    6. The party is torn between conservative forces supporting the administration of President Jose Sarney and a faction that perceives the party's identity as inextricably linked to reform and change.
    7. The world's two most powerful economies have become inextricably wedded.
    8. That means the future of GEC as a high-technology company is inextricably linked to its ability to open up new markets.
    9. Destructive yet with an integrity of sorts, Dunster is the kind of barefaced busybody who churns up trouble wherever he goes, tangling fact and fiction inextricably together.
    10. Fyffes (formerly Fruit Importers Of Ireland) now has over 80 per cent of its sales coming from Britain, following the successful purchase of Fyffes itself. The future of the food industry is inextricably linked with its performance outside Ireland.
    11. All of this is inextricably linked to politics, of course. Turkish President Turgut Ozal wanted to hold a Mideast water summit in November, but had to cancel it because Syria insisted Israel couldn't attend.
    12. He was just 16, and all his life sex and death were to remain inextricably linked in his mind. Courting his first wife Emma, he saw her standing by a garden gate as if against a cross, and had a premonition that in marriage he would crucify her.
    13. During the mid-1960s, American teen-agers had transferred their attention to the electric guitar; in their minds, the accordion was inextricably linked with the hokiness of Welk's "champagne music."
    14. Modernizing air-traffic control is inextricably linked to the problem of handling more air traffic.
    15. For the rest of Peru, however, the image of the venerable university now is inextricably woven with that of Sendero and other radical groups.
    16. Architecture and anniversaries seem to be inextricably linked, especially as we approach the millennium.
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