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 inexpensive [,inik'spensiv]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 便宜的, 不贵重的

    [ adj ]
    relatively low in price or charging low prices
    it would have been cheap at twice the priceinexpensive family restaurants

    Inexpensive \In`ex*pen"sive\, a.
    Not expensive; cheap.

    1. As the first wines of the year, the Beaujolais nouveau, normally considered an inexpensive lightweight, served as a bellwether to both quality and the price the market will bear.
    2. Also, most people don't use credit cards for inexpensive items, and many cab rides are less than $10.
    3. Tina Mullins, a sales representative, said flood insurance rates vary but generally are inexpensive.
    4. He travels by train and taxi and stays in inexpensive hotels.
    5. According to Vergnes: 'We believe that traditional PC technology will develop fast enough so that we can build these servers from inexpensive hardware.
    6. Also being considered by the working group is the inexpensive transfer of technology and resources to developing countries to enable them to cut their greenhouse-gas pollution.
    7. Stores like Tire America, a unit of Sears, Roebuck & Co., offer a wide selection of tires that can deliver as much as 40,000 miles of driving at inexpensive prices.
    8. The Chicago Merc in particular has grown very large by offering securities traders an inexpensive place to hedge.
    9. Even after this run-up, the stocks look inexpensive.
    10. Realizing that many first-time buyers are willing to trade a long commute for a home of their own, these developers are now building on inexpensive land previously considered too remote for tract housing.
    11. Colorocs, a research and development company that is working on an inexpensive full-color copier, will acquire the Savin holding from Toronto-based Polysar Energy & Chemical Corp., formerly Canada Development Corp.
    12. The United States, one of the few nations where sugar demand outpaces domestic production, would be flooded with inexpensive foreign sugar if the import quotas were lifted, she said.
    13. The prices for ad time on the soaps, among the most inexpensive on television, have been flat for the last four or five years, even as prices for ads in late-night shows and prime-time programming have soared.
    14. They love her very much and feel deeply for her at this difficult time." President Carlos Salinas de Gortari said Monday he will end a government-controlled monopoly on the importation and sale of inexpensive newsprint in Mexico.
    15. As a designer, Marencic was able to come up with a number of inexpensive but stylish stratagems.
    16. "It's inexpensive, it teaches good lessons and the recividivism rate is very, very low because it so grueling and so unpleasant people don't want to back to it," Bennett said.
    17. During the Sheller-Globe buyout, Shearson was eager to keep the company's stock price down, to make the deal as inexpensive as possible, Mr. Cohen said.
    18. "I think silver is very inexpensive right now, but it has lost its perception as a precious metal," says Mr. Maizel.
    19. If you manufacture an inexpensive, durable car, customers will flock to your door.
    20. By ganging these chips together, Sequent delivers a computer that is relatively inexpensive but powerful enough to peform many tasks that traditionally have been carried out by multimillion-dollar mainframe computers.
    21. With gasoline relatively inexpensive before the latest Persian Gulf crisis, the manufacturers have been pushing performance over fuel economy when planning future product lines.
    22. In addition, they have been used as a relatively inexpensive source of financing for corporate restructurings.
    23. Stainless steel has become much less of a novelty in Chile over the past few years, and Chilean wine has an established market for inexpensive Cabernet Sauvignon in the US, UK and other parts of northern Europe.
    24. A consultant who is an oncologist may have a bias toward aggressive treatment, while a consultant who is a consumer advocate may have a bias toward inexpensive approaches.
    25. "If a drug seems to have a benefit and doesn't have any risk and is inexpensive _ and with colchicine all of these things are true _ it's probably reasonable to try it," he said.
    26. "With inexpensive upgrades, people don't need to be afraid of technology," says Dave Kirkey, a vice president of ALR.
    27. The roaming rag vendors supply jeepney drivers with inexpensive multipurpose rags.
    28. That means that inexpensive liquid nitrogen, which exists at about 320 degrees below zero Fahrenheit, could be used to induce superconductivity.
    29. Before her three adult children grew up, Mrs. Rosato used to take them twice a month to a cafeteria near her home in St. Petersburg, Fla., because it had "a tremendous variety of food that was good and inexpensive," she says.
    30. Three borrowers tapped the short end of the Eurodollar bond market for $600 million in fixed-rate debt that reportedly netted them relatively inexpensive funding.
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