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 inexorably [in'eksərəbli]   添加此单词到默认生词本
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    [ adv ]
    in an inexorable manner
    time marches on inexorably

    Inexorably \In*ex"o*ra*bly\, adv.
    In an inexorable manner; inflexibly. ``Inexorably firm.''

    1. The battle seems headed inexorably for the courts and Congress.
    2. Since Black Wednesday, when Britain parted company with the ERM, the trend in equities has been inexorably upwards.
    3. The U.S. now seems to be moving inexorably toward recognizing the charismatic Russian leader as the rising force in the Soviet Union.
    4. In the end, most of the superdelegates are likely to follow the peculiar political law of physics that draws public figures inexorably toward winners.
    5. Harrison became inexorably linked with the Henry Higgins character in "My Fair Lady," winning a Tony award in 1957 for the Broadway version and an Academy Award in 1964 for the film version.
    6. Der Spiegel magazine proclaims Germany's imminent relegation to the second division of manufacturing nations and its population sinking under the burden of an inexorably expanding social state. There are few if any visible signs of such doom.
    7. Hilton's future seems inexorably tied to the international market.
    8. Jan. 8 The Duluth (Minn.) News-Tribune on federal pay raises: Silence from this carping corner as Congress moved inexorably toward a 50 percent pay hike for itself may have seemed tacit acceptance of its wisdom _ or inevitability.
    9. But even as Dukakis moves inexorably towards the Democratic Party nomination, it is vital that Jackson keep running: vital to the Democrats, even more vital to democracy in America.
    10. Yet many Japanese companies view their long-term prospects as being inexorably linked to China.
    11. Power and water are inexorably linked.
    12. The lawsuit claims Belo and Universal Press Syndicate will "inexorably harm competition in the Dallas market" if the rights are granted.
    13. But whatever its budgetary merits, the prudent-purchasing approach has the unfortunate consequence of inexorably leading to ever-deeper federal involvement in pricing and medical decisions.
    14. That power may be dissolving daily as the economy moves inexorably towards the market.
    15. As the technology has improved, speed and capacity has risen inexorably. Packet switching involves the movement of labelled packets of data each of which takes the best route through a network.
    16. But most Argentine companies have poor management, obsolete technology and no aggressive export strategy. Industrialists say an overvalued currency and inexorably rising domestic costs are making it impossible to export profitably.
    17. 'If that turns out to be true,' says Mr Wayne Booker, Ford's head of international operations, 'the Japanese are sitting in the catbird seat.' Autos apart, the US is being inexorably drawn into the world arena by the growth of world trade.
    18. Futures prices of silver, gold and platinum fell sharply Thursday amid growing fears that the U.S. economy is sliding inexorably into a recession.
    19. At the same time, notwithstanding the temporary dip in electricity demand caused by the recession, continued longterm economic growth and development will inexorably require more generating capacity.
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