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 矿区使用费 添加此单词到默认生词本
mining royalty

  1. 对天然气田不再征收矿区使用费,仅对1986年国际油价暴跌前投产的油田按原油产量征收矿区使用费
    Royalties are no longer imposed on gas fields, but only on oil fields that entered production prior to the 1986 oil price slump.
  2. 法定的矿区使用费计算方法允许扣减从估价点到销售点的运输费用。
    The statutory royalty calculation may allow the transportation costs from the point of valuation to the point of sale to be deducted.
  3. 从技术上讲,是指一个国家立法的税收结构,其中包括矿区使用费
    Technically, the legislated taxation structure for a country including royalty payments.

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