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 矿山寿命 [kuàng shān shòu mìng添加此单词到默认生词本
age of mine

  1. 分析矿床的成矿地质条件,总结成矿规律,寻找隐伏矿、边缘矿、扩大区内的工业储量,延长矿山寿命,具有十分重要的意义。
    It is of great importance for discovering buried orebody, marginal orebody and extending the life of mine to analyze the metallogenetic condition and regulation.
  2. 拟定月、、整个矿山寿命期内的配矿计划,调查相关资料信息以改进对选厂供矿的品位和数量的预测数据。
    Produce monthly, quarterly and' end of mine' reconciliations and investigate findings to ensure continuous improvement in predicting feed tonnage and grades to the mill.
  3. 总结认识其矿床特征和探讨其矿床成因,对于寻找隐伏矿体和矿区外围找矿,进而延长矿山寿命具有重要意义。
    Studies of geology and genesis of the deposit would be significant for further prospecting blind ores in and outside of this mineralized field and lasting the mining life.

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