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 矿区控制测量 添加此单词到默认生词本
control survey of mine district

  1. 这在矿区控制测量实践中有重要的实用价值。
    It is important and valuable in the practice of control measure in the mine diggings.
  2. 介绍了利用GPS新技术进行矿区控制测量的GPS网布设方法,以及外业观测、内业平差方法及计算。
    The GPS technology to carry out control surveying over mining area, including GPS mesh distribution, outdoor observation, and indoor error-elimination is introduced.
  3. 对阳煤集团贵石沟矿区平面控制网的设计和测量成果提出了改建方案。
    Based on the design and survey results, a reform scheme of the planar control network in Guishigou mining area is put forward.

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