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 矿坑排水 [kuàng kēng pái shuǐ添加此单词到默认生词本
[矿业] mine drainage

  1. 并以山东淄博煤矿矿坑排水为例,显示了淄博煤矿矿坑排水及受其影响的地表水和地下水的特征。
    Zibo mine in Shandong Province is regarded as example. The characters of mining drainage, surface water and groundwater affected by it are shown in program.
  2. 摘 要: 在简要介绍煤矿矿坑排水对水环境影响信息系统基础上,着重阐述了系统中各模块的功能。
    Based on the introduction of "Information System of Influence on Water Environment by Coal Mining", the paper illustrated the function of each module of program.
  3. 对山东淄博煤矿区的煤、煤矸石、矿坑排水、煤矸石淋滤水以及煤矿地下水中多环芳烃的含量进行了测试研究。
    PAHs in coal, coal waste stone, mine drainage, leaching water from coal waste stone and groundwater in Zibo coal mine, Shandong Province, are discussed.

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