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 矿尘 [kuàng chén添加此单词到默认生词本
[矿业] mine dust

  1. 本文是对钢铁厂泥生产高炉球团的研究;
    This paper studied the process of production of BF pellets from steel plant iron-bearing sludge.
  2. 方法:在某镍对退休接工和对照工进行了肺功能的配对研究。
    Methods: We made a match analysis between retired miners exposed to dust and controls in a nickel mine.
  3. 金属熔炼工艺中副产品金属渣、金属灰、(粉)、等的混合物体系。二次制样获四个质量比值K1、K2、K3、K4;
    The metal melting process by-product includes metal slag, metal dust, mineral (powder), a mixture of dust and other elements. second sample preparation could gain four weight ratio K1, K2, K3, K4;

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