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 矿地 添加此单词到默认生词本
[矿业] mineral estate

  1. 当地的工业依靠在矿地淘宝石或次级宝石而生,有些矿井深达40英尺(12米)。
    Local industry relies on the precious and semiprecious stones found in the mines, some of which are more than 40 feet (12 meters) deep.
  2. 巨人们和载着铁块的马车从矿地上像影子一样经过,毫无阻碍地从舞动的植物中间穿过去,似乎连看都没看到它们。
    The giants and their carts of nuggets traveling through the field looked like shadows, moving through the dancing plants without disturbing them or even noticing them.
  3. 位于墨西哥吉娃娃奈卡矿地的水晶山洞自2000年被在矿地钻井的兄弟两发现以后一直受到世界的关注。
    The Cave of Crystals, located in the working Naica Mine of Chihuahua, Mexico, has captivated the world since it was first discovered in 2000by two brothers drilling in the Naica lead and silver mine.

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