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 电视记录片 添加此单词到默认生词本
[电视] televised documentary

  1. 毫无疑问正是这种行业的危险促使了电视记录片“致命瞬间”以及畅销书、好莱坞大片“完美风暴”的流行。
    It's no wonder that the industry's perils have given rise to a popular documentary TV series, Deadliest Catch, and a best-selling book and hit Hollywood film, The Perfect Storm.
  2. 该宣传计划将包括信息和新闻资料袋、小册子、供学校课程使用的教材、录像带、无线电广播和电视记录片以及特别活动。
    Information and press kits, brochures, education materials for school curricula, videos, radio and TV documentaries and special events are to be included in the communications plan.
  3. 在那里,70年代早期,她偶然看到一个有关动物如何学习的电视记录片
    There, in the early 1970s, she happened to see a television documentary about how animals learn.

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