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 电解加工 添加此单词到默认生词本
electrochemical machining
[机] electrolytic machining

  1. 在大量试验数据的基础上,创建了模具电解加工工艺参数数据库。
    The database of operating parameter of mould ECM is established on the basis of test data.
  2. 初步讨论了钛合金压气机叶片在电解加工中出现的一些表面缺陷问题。
    Some surface defects in the EOM of the compresser blades made of titanium alloys are also discussed.
  3. 这种加工技术将有助于提高电解加工精度,扩大电解加工应用范围。
    The technology will be helpful for improving the accuracy of ECM and enlarging the applied field of ECM.

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