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 电视转播机 添加此单词到默认生词本
television relay system

  1. 裁判甲:先生,两台电视转播的摄像离边线司线员的位子太近了。
    Umpire a: Sir, two cameras of TV are too close to the line judges' seats for the side-lines.
  2. 1984年那一年,中国还没有很多体育比赛的电视转播,也没有多少电视
    The year 1984 was a time China did not have much live transmission of sports events or many television sets.
  3. 当我踢球时,还没有电视转播,没有摄像对准卡佩罗。
    When I played there was no television and no cameras were on Capello.

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