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 电解保护 [diàn jiě bǎo hù添加此单词到默认生词本
electrolytic protection

  1. 快速短路保护电路在电解加工过程中起到保护工件及工具的重要作用。
    In this paper, according to characteristics of high frequency short pulses electrochemical machining (HSPECM), we describe a quick short-circuit protection circuit designed HSPECM power.
  2. 研究了钛板在二氧化锰电解液中的阳极保护,通过试验确定了有效的保护方法和合理参数并取得良好的保护效果。
    An effective method and applicable parameters for protecting positives of tita-nium plate in an electrolytic solution for manganese dioxide are presented.The protectingmethod works well.
  3. 利用氧化镁在氯化物电解质的支持下电解出金属镁是一种全新的生产方法,也是一种有利于环境保护的冶镁方法。
    Producing metal Mg with magnesia supported by electrolytical chloride is a new method and also a good method to be propitious to environment.

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