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 电视转播车 [diàn shì zhuǎn bō chē添加此单词到默认生词本
outside broadcast van

  1. 象奥运会这样重大活动的现场直播工作需要有技术先进、性能可靠的移动电视转播车提供服务。
    On-site live TV broadcasting of important events like Olympic Games, etc. requests sophisticated and reliable mobile TV relay stations.
  2. 接着,我又接到一电话,航空斯密音乐会上,一辆移动电视转播车堵住了火警通道,我跟那警探们说,让火警部门来处理这事。
    ThenI got a call that mobile television vans were blocking fire lanes at theAerosmith concert; I told the officers to give it to the fire department.
  3. 介绍丰县电视台设计组装简易电视转播车的思路和体会,重点讲述线路系统、车体改造、控制台、线缆盘的设计与安装。
    The paper introduces the way and experience in assembling TV relay vehicle. Put emphasis on the line system, vehicle reform, console desk and string tray.

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