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 电视车 添加此单词到默认生词本
TV jeep
television car

  1. 当你购买类似于电视、手机之类的物品的时候,你获得的仅仅是别人也同样拥有的东西。
    When you buy something like a TV, car or mobile phone, you’re getting something that most other people also own.
  2. 卧榻,餐厅设备,电脑桌,椅子,电视等等…所有的二手货和需要花钱买新的用的小部件。
    Couch, dining room set, computer desk, chairs, TV, car etc…all second hand and at a fraction of what it would have cost to purchase all of this stuff new.
  3. 因此即使你按照建议每日锻炼,如果你依旧坐着数小时来看电视、做或工作,你仍面临缺少运动带来的风险。
    So even if you do exercise the recommended amount daily, if you also sit for hours watching TV, commuting or working at a desk you are exposed to the risks of inactivity.

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