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 速度梯度 添加此单词到默认生词本
[流] velocity gradient

  1. 过滤过程滤层中沉积物的空隙率随水流平均速度梯度的改变而变化。
    In the duration of deep bed filtration the void ratio of sediment will be varied with the average flow velocity gradient.
  2. 径向速度梯度同样随转速增大而增大的结果,增强了叶尖涡对尾迹区作用的影响。
    As the radial velocity gradient is intensified with the rotary speed, the effect of the shedding vortex on trailing wake is boosted up.
  3. 这样回避了速度梯度间断的困难,缓和了出口处应力奇性引起的矛盾,同时又减少了计算量。
    Thus the difficulties of discontinuous velocity gradient and the stress singularity at the exit point are avoided, and the expense of computation is reduced.

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