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 速度滑冰 添加此单词到默认生词本
speed skating

  1. 除了做为一名世界级的速度滑冰运动员之外,克拉拉·休斯也是一位有天赋的艺术家。
    In addition to being a world-class athlete, speed skater Clara Hughes is a talented artist.
  2. 世界速滑强国高度重视速度滑冰运动员的力量训练,速度滑冰运动员的力量素质水平已成为决定运动成绩的关键因素之一。
    The great power countries of speed skating attach more importance to the speed skaters strength training which level has already become a vital factor to decide their skating results.
  3. 冬季运动会比赛的规定项目有高山滑雪、跳台滑雪、越野滑雪、北欧两项、冰球、短道速滑、速度滑冰、花样滑冰和冬季两项。
    The Winter Universiade consists of compulsory sports Alpine skiing, nordic skiing composed of jump, cross country & com-bined, ice hockey, short track, speed skating, figure skating, biathlon.

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