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 速度调节 添加此单词到默认生词本
[自] speed adjustment
[机] speed regulation

  1. 本文从滑模变结构理论出发,针对直流PWM调速系统设计了一种新型速度调节器。
    This paper designs a new speed regulator for a DC PWM speed regulating system based on sliding mode variable structure theory.
  2. 需要指出的是,燃气机热泵的速度调节是有限制的,并不能任意调节,这与发动机和压缩机的工作特性有关。
    It should be noted that the rate of gas engine heat pump is limited regulation, and can not be any regulation, which is the work of the engine and compressor characteristics.
  3. 并就机械手伺服控制系统的速度调节、位置检测与反馈、各关节动作的协调等方面的设计作了说明。
    Meanwhile, the speed regulation, position detection and feedback, movement coordination of each joint in the servo control system of this manipulator are described in the article.

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