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 速度缓慢的 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 由于叙事速度缓慢和叙事疏密度小,形成小说中舒缓的叙事节奏,这和湘西人民的生活方式相符。
    The low speed in narrating results in the slow rhythm of Shen's works, which is in accordence with the life style in Xiangxi.
  2. 采用三角网格优化算法解决场景中模型复杂度高、交互运行速度缓慢的问题;
    The three angle mesh optimization algorithm is adopted to solve the problem of the model complexity and the slow interactive running speed in the scene.
  3. 速度缓慢的应用程序(或服务器)会在 IT 组织中触发一连串的电话呼叫,包括给 Lotus/IBM 的电话支持和咨询服务。
    A slow application (or server) can trigger a series of escalating phone calls through an IT organization, including calls to Lotus/IBM support and possibly to consulting services.

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