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 速度测量 添加此单词到默认生词本
[力] speed measurement
velocity measurement

  1. 他说。 调查人员在着重检查速度测量系统的组成部分--空速管的性能。
    In particular, they were reviewing the performance of a Pitot tube, part of the speed measurement system.
  2. 结合群众的相对速度测量,可以计算出它们的质量直接明星。
    Combining the measured velocity with the relative masses, they can calculate the mass of the star directly.
  3. 当汉密尔顿和斯蒂尔恩斯处理他们最初获得的冰川速度测量值时,他们以为自己又犯了一个错误。
    When Hamilton and Stearns processed their first measurements of the glacier's speed, they thought they had made another mistake.

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