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 砂锚 [shā máo添加此单词到默认生词本
sand anchor

  1. 固结预应力杆的固力是由体与孔壁之间的摩擦力提供的。
    The anchorage force of sand-consolidated-anchorage-prestressed bolt is actually the friction resistance between sand and drill hole.
  2. 廖洪钧和许世宗,「紧中压力式垂直扩座地锚锚碇端之受力行为」,中国土木水利工程学刊,第六卷,第二期,第137-148页,1994。
    Murry, E. J., and Geddes, J. D., “Uplift of Anchor Plates in Sand,” Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 113, pp. 202-215, 1987.
  3. 我们的产品范围涵盖钻孔与凿破、直接固定、钻石与安卡栓系统、防火与发泡填缝系统、安装、定位与螺丝固定系统,以及切割与磨系统。
    Our product range covers drilling and demolition, direct fastening, diamond and anchoring systems, firestop and foam systems, installation, measuring and screw fastening systems as well as cutting and sanding systems.

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