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 砌墙 [qì qiáng添加此单词到默认生词本
build a wall

  1. 渐渐地,他们学会通过镶嵌石地板、在入口砌墙、设置取火点来改善洞穴。
    Gradually, they learned to improve their caves with inlaid stone floors, walls at the entrances and fireplaces.
  2. 相反,如果这些问题让你感到不耐烦--见鬼,砖就是用来砌墙的--那么你就是一位”收敛式“思考者。
    If, instead, the questions make you impatient — a brick is for building walls, dammit — then you are a convergent thinker.
  3. 任何一根结实的木头或金属都可以用作杠杆。任何坚实的物体,如一截砌墙,都可以充做良好的支点。学会就地取材。
    Any sturdy piece of wood or metal will make a lever. Any solid object, such as a piece of masonry, makes a good fulcrum. Learn to improvise.

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