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 双绕组 [shuāng rào zǔ添加此单词到默认生词本
[电] duplex winding

  1. 它利用多谐振荡桥励磁的单纳米晶磁芯双绕组差动对称结构。
    The sensor has differential symmetric structure with single nanocrystalline core and double coils excited by multivibrator bridge.
  2. 研究钴基非晶态合金条带制成的单磁芯双绕组新型磁场传感器。
    A new single-core and double-winding magnetic field sensor prepared from Co-based amorphous ribbon was studied.
  3. 绕组型式,分为双绕组变压器、三绕组变压器和自藕变压器;
    By winding patterns, divided into two winding transformers, since the root of lotus three winding transformers and transformer;

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