双缩脲反应 [
shuāng suō niào fǎn yìng]

[有化] biuret reaction
- 提出利用已标定蛋白质含量的稻米为标样,基于双缩脲反应原理,进行蛋白质测定的分析方法,结果表明,该法可获得较高的检测精度。
An improved biuret reaction analytical method was presented for rice protein determination. With the method improved, the pre-marked rice powder was used as standards… - 用双缩脲反应法可以测出发酵鱼粉中水溶性总肽的含量,用凯氏定氮法可以测出被沉淀的多肽的含量,从而可以计算出发酵鱼粉中寡肽的含量。
Total solvable peptide content in the fermented fishmeal was determined by using the biuret method, and polypeptide in the precipitate by using Kjeldahl method.