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 双缸 [shuāng gāng添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 但是,在日本厂家模仿哈雷采用V型双缸发动机之时,Triumph 采用了平行双缸设计,为自己制造了独特的卖点。
    But where Japanese bike makers have also aped Harleys by using V-twin motors, Triumph has given itself a unique selling point with a parallel twin engine.
  2. 军士长 汤姆·格莱德希尔,骑着一辆BSA A50双缸摩托,在20位皇家炮兵摩托表演队队员的头上飞过。 1966年于英国。
    Sergeant Major Tom Gledhill, riding a standard BSA A50 twin motorcycle, leaps over 20 members of the Royal Artillery Motor Bike display team, England, 1966.
  3. 双缸活塞泵装有取得专利的混凝土阀,其输送速度的范围从2立方米/小时到34立方米/小时,泵送压力可达65 巴。
    The delivery rate of two-cylinder piston pump with the patented concrete valve can be adjusted from 2 cubic meters/h to a maximum of 34 cubic meters /h, for pumping pressures of up to 65 Bar.

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